Health News February 2021

Autophagy and Lifespan Extension

Autophagy is an autolytic process necessary for balancing energy sources in response to critical periods of development and nutritional stress. The process is widely accepted as beneficial, given its role in eliminating “toxic assets” and promoting cell viability. Therefore, Autophagy has emerged as a new and potent modulator of disease progression that is scientifically interesting and clinically relevant. Autophagy also plays a role in removing misfolded and aggregated proteins, removing damaged organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and removal of intracellular pathogens in peroxisomes. According to Dr. Daniel Murrell (MD), of Healthline, Autophagy is an evolutionary self-preservation mechanism that allows the body to remove dysfunctional cells and recycle some of them for cell repair and irrigation. [1] In other words, Autophagy is a method of the body that wipes out damaged cells to regenerate newer and healthier cells. The main benefit of Autophagy is anti-aging. The cellular level removes toxic proteins, recycling residual protein, provides energy, and promotes healthy cell regeneration.

According to the research done by Maléne Hansen et al. in, “Autophagy as a promoter of longevity: insights from model organisms,” Autophagy is a conserved process that breaks down intracellular components to maintain energy homeostasis and protects cells from stress. [2] Autophagy plays an essential role during the development of illness, and the evidence accumulated over the last decade shows that Autophagy also plays a direct role in regulating aging. In particular, it showed proof through sophisticated research done using yeast, worms, flies, and mice. Resources present a wide range of requirements for autophagy-related genes in life extension observed in many conserved longevity paradigms. Several new and exciting concepts have emerged related to its role in autophagy and lifespan regulation.

First, tissue-specific overexpression of a single autophagy gene is sufficient to prolong the lifespan, so selected tissues require and benefit from autophagy activation in the longevity paradigm.

Second, selective autophagy types are necessary for longevity because they specifically target dysfunctional cellular components and prevent accumulation. Lastly, Autophagy can affect living things, so following shows how to activate Autophagy.

Tips on how to activate and promote the mechanism of Autophagy:

✓ Intermediate fasting: the activation of Autophagy starts to generate 12-16 hours after the last meal according to field specialist Dr. Axe. [3]
✓ Exercise: just 30 minutes of exercise can activate Autophagy according to Dr. Zembroski, a functional medicine specialist. [4]
✓ Try to get quality sleep:the highest activation of Autophagy is from midnight to early morning.
✓ Specific Diet:eat low carb and high fat. However, Ketosis and Autophagy aren’t mutually inclusive. You can eat a non-ketogenic diet and be in Autophagy and eat keto foods without experiencing Autophagy.

According to Puya Yazdi, MD, the following things increase Autophagy: coffee, green tea, turmeric, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, ginseng, garlic, certain mushrooms (Chaga and Ganoderma Lucidum), pomegranate, and elderberry. [5]

Some seemingly strange things, such as bergamot, berberine, resveratrol, and MCT oil, are often taken in supplements and help in raising Autophagy levels. Also, an excellent omega-3 capsule can be helpful in activating Autophagy.

Foods that increase your brain power

Foods that increase your brain power (by Harvard Health publishing) [6]

✓ Green Vegetables are brain health nutrients and may help slow cognitive decline.
✓ Fatty fish include the omega-3 fatty acids may help to lower blood levels of beta-amyloid that forms damaging clumps in the brain.
✓ Berries help improve memory with flavonoids.
✓ Tea and Coffee may offer a short-term concentration brain boost.
✓ Walnuts are enriched protein and healthy fats to improve memory.


[1] Healthline by Dr. Daniel Murrell (MD) (
[2] “Autophagy as a promoter of longevity: insights from model organisms,” by Maléne Hansen et al. in, (
[3] ”Intermediate fasting” by field specialist Dr. Axe. (
[4] by Dr. Zembroski, a functional medicine specialist (
[5] by Puya Yazdi, MD (
[6] “Foods that increase your brain power” by Harvard Health publishing: (

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